Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Introducing #DSTeasenotPlease

Tease not please is an interesting segment where we dissect products that promise but don't deliever. 

This weeks tease not please are protein shakes . They  are sold everywhere from the gym to your local store, that come with the promise of ripped abs and more energy. They are referred to as dietary supplements that are good for you, this in fact is completely wrong. Protein powders are highly processed and some over heated to the extent that is protein is denatured which makes it impossible for your body to use.Protein powders are often filled with preservatives, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), allergens like dairy (whey protein isolate) and soy, and other synthetic toxins like aspartame, saccharin, and artificial flavors. The consumer report conducted a test a few years ago showing protein powder are dangerous due to high level of toxins and heavy metals(arsenic,lead, cadmium). It ends up putting you in a worse position and most require some kind timing to work and once you don't oblige it does not work. I know the people in the adverts look convincing but that's why they got the job to convince you , don't trip.  Don't say we didn't warn you besides you can always use natural fruits as dietary supplement without risking your health and money. You are welcomed 😘

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